SUD300 Law & Ethics


This course will examine the legal and ethical concerns when working with clients with substance use disorders. 

• Community prevention and education: the concepts of prevention, community education and outreach; education and
prevention models; effectiveness of prevention strategies and training methods; adult education techniques.

• Outreach: Businesses and clubs that can be used as identification and referral sources.

• Assessing needs for training and technical assistance.

• Screening techniques: communication theories and techniques; interviewing techniques; considerations is assessing,
client needs, resources, strengths and limitations. Identification of appropriateness and eligibility.

• Intervention and referral: emphasis on the chronic disease model and recovery process. Continuum of care issues,
including employee assistance programs; information and referral; detoxification; various treatment modalities etc.

• Crisis Counseling Techniques and theories: The signs and symptoms of potential suicide, aggression, and other self-
destructive behaviors.