SUD100 Intro to SUD


This course will examine the history of alcohol and other mood changing drugs in the US; the myths and stereotypes of
alcohol/drug use; sociocultural factors that contribute to the use of drugs; and the patterns and progression of alcoholism.

• Cultural/Lifestyle Consideration; norms and differences; issues specific to special populations (e.g., ethnic minorities,
women, youth, elderly, homosexuality, physically disabled or impaired); the nature and extend of alcoholism/drug
dependency problems among target populations.

• Human Behavior: theories of personality and human development; emotional states (e.g., dependency, resentment,
guild); theories of human needs and motivation; denial process.

• Family Dynamics: Recognition of family roles, modalities of treatment; communication issues; role play.

• Treatment and Recovery Approaches: Treatment and recovery modalities; (e.g., psychiatric, psychosocial, clinical;
Alcoholics Anonymous (and other support groups); Aversion Therapy; medical modalities; behavioral modification,
social models, drinking driver programs. (etc.)

• Program Planning and Client Education: Goals and objectives; program policies and procedures; program strengths
and limitations, service delivery planning, client education, lectures.